Student Admissions Policy

Admission rules

Students will be accepted to the Russian School in Abu Dhabi subject to the following requirements:

filling in the registration documents of the Russian School in Abu Dhabi;

passing academic assessment in Russian, English and mathematics (for elementary school students);

– meeting of the director/administrative team and the family;

– payment of tuition and fees

Parents will be notified of enrollment/rejection once all required steps have been completed.

Factors that may be taken into account when accepting a student.

– Admission to certain levels of study and/or programs may be subject to availability restrictions.

– A student’s academic grade will be a factor in determining the acceptance or rejection of any student. The student’s academic grades/points/behavior in previous schools and/or educational institutions will be taken into account when making an admissions decision.

– Information that is incorrect, incomplete and/or not provided may affect any admission decision.

– A fee is charged at the time of registration, which will be used to secure a place for the student until a final admission decision is made. When a student is admitted, a registration fee will be applied to the tuition fee.

– If a student is denied admission, all advance payments will be returned to the payer. All fees and tuition are payable in accordance with the payment schedule provided after the final notification of acceptance to the Russian School in Abu Dhabi. Failure to pay fees and tuition may result in a student being expelled from the Russian School in Abu Dhabi.

Enrollment process


Complete the Admission form online. If you have any problems, please email and we will contact you as a matter of priority.

*Please note, after assessment, all students who are joining (RSAD) from another school will require a Transfer Certificate


An application fee of 500AED, including VAT (non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-deductible) will be required in order to book your assessment.

The application fee may be remitted by bank transfer or in person to our Accounts Department by debit/credit card, cheque made payable RSAD or cash.


As part of our admissions process, pre-KG and KG students are invited to an interview, primary students are invited to age-appropriate test-based assessment where knowledge of Russian, English, Mathematics will be assessed. Our Academic team will determine the student’s readiness for the programmes.

RSAD reserves the right to refuse an applicant after this step.


You and your child will be invited to a meeting with RSAD administrative staff.

RSAD reserves the right to refuse an applicant after this step.


You will be invited to send documents to complete the application.

RSAD reserves the right to request other supporting documents or reports relevant to the admission process.

For Foreign Applicants, in addition to items above, provide:

Copy of the passport pages for the applicant and at least one (1) parent showing:
– Picture, date of birth and passport number
– Date of issue and expiration
– Visa showing length of stay in UAE (to be submitted when available)